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On the Shoulders of Giants
Leave a CommentWritten by: Tony Harris, December 7, 2015 Sir Isaac Newton quoted: If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. This was a reference to a quote by the philosopher, Bernard of Chartres, who had lived about 3 and a half centuries earlier. Newton was being uncharacteristically humble […]
Measuring Watt?
Leave a CommentWritten by: Tony Harris, December 3, 2015 I penned a paragraph last year about defining rated power. It looked at the different definitions amplifier manufactures use. (see: ). But very often we run into issues in trying to replicate rf (radio frequency) results in different geographical locations. There are many reasons that […]
Let’s Get Physical
Leave a CommentWritten by: Tony Harris, December 3, 2015 I just got back from a routine physical exam. It was a tad overdue, I admit, but I was not overly admonished. I did have to have an EKG. “Just pull the gown down to your waist” so the instructions go. Then multiple sensors are stuck […]
Flipper the Aquatic Lassie
Leave a CommentWritten by: Tony Harris, December 2, 2015 According to studies released in 2003 by American and Scottish Biologist over 300,000 whales, dolphins and porpoises were killed unintentionally in fishermen’s hauls in 2002. This is just a statistic and statistics are just numbers, unless of course they are about someone you knew. What if […]
“Back to the Future”
Leave a CommentWritten by : Tony Harris, November 30, 2015 How time flies… I find it very difficult to believe that it was 30 years ago that the movie “Back to the Future” was released. The movie sent Michael J Fox back 30 years to 1955. But eventually he got back to 1985 only to […]
Leave a CommentWritten by: Tony Harris, November 29, 2015 The human body is truly an amazing piece of technology. Its functions cross the boundaries of so many fields of study; biology, physics, and chemistry, being the obvious ones. Like all complex organisms it has a hierarchy that protects and sacrifices. Hair, nails, epidermis, and teeth […]
Leave a CommentWritten by: Tony Harris, January 11, 2015 Happy New Year! I can’t believe how time goes past so quickly. It seems only yesterday we were singing “Auld Lang Syne” to welcome 2014. 2015 should be a great year for E&I. We will be introducing our first Class D product and additionally totally new […]
End of FY-14: Season of Mists and Mellow Fruitfulness
Leave a CommentWritten by: Tony Harris, September 21, 2014 Busy time of the year at E&I, September 30th is the end of our fiscal year. I must confess, I’m looking forward to a week’s vacation I have planned in October. I’m going out to California and will be meeting up with a lot of friends; […]
Leave a CommentWritten by: Tony Harris, September 14, 2014 It is a very strange day. I sit here watching the American Football team; the Buffalo Bills and they are winning! They normally specialize in finding ways to lose. But then, the game is not over yet – Last week they played against the Chicago Bears […]
What is a Watt?
Leave a CommentWritten by: Tony Harris, September 7, 2014 I recall my physics teacher (Kevin Conway, at the British School of Brussels) looking at me and saying: watt is a unit of power. Placed on the spot I was mentally sifting through possible answers. We had just learned about Volta and Ampere, so I knew […]